JULY 19th, 2008 Hi everyone, I will be taking a mini-break from the strip. I am currently reconsidering several ideas and I want to devote my time to several other things. Until I'm able to devote myself to this project 100 percent, I don't want to contribute anything less than outstanding. Please enjoy the strips available in the Archives section. Thank you for reading thus far and if you have any ideas or suggestions, please email me! Thank you! -Keith MAY 5th, 2008 BIG NEWS, GUYS! I mentioned a whole bunch of changes would be coming and here they are in detail: 1) HENRY'S MYSPACE: That's right. The teenage hero now has his own page and you can visit it here. Keep in mind it has been created recently, so it will be updated today and should be completely finished by the end of today or early tomorrow. In addtion, all of the posts from the blogsite will be uploaded there (that might take a while, so check out the current post available until then). I decided that it's best for Henry to have his own space where people can find out more about him, including his music tastes, his friends, and this comic, so, I picked MySpace as the site! And of course, add him as friend if you want! 2) WEBSITE: The website now has a link to Henry's MySpace. Again, already mentioned, but there will be a permanent image link on the homepage.
3) COMICS: Probably the most complex change will be the format of the comics. You see the two-panel strip today? Well, get used to it because those, along with some occasional three-panel comics will be much more frequent. Also, instead of a weekly theme, I'm going to move toward a more non-linear format. In other words, some of the comics will be daily funnies, some will focus on story arcs and the rest will be what I like to call "flashbacks." Also, look for Drew and several other characters to get a bi-weekly or monthly comic of their own! Told ya big changes were comin'! And always, thank you for reading and I hope you will like the changes as much as I do! I'm having so much fun doing this and although these six months have flown by, I am VERY CONFIDENT about the future of this comic. So again, thank you! Yes, that means you who are reading this as we speak! And I hope you continue to enjoy this comic strip as much as I do! Happy six months! -Keith APRIL 28th, 2008 Hi guys! I've been waiting to say this for a while, but let's boldface it: THE SIX MONTH ANNIVERSARY IS ALMOST HERE! That's right! SO MANY LEVELS has reached a milestone. So to celebrate, there will be some major changes in the comic coming soon. Stay tuned for Henry to get his own personal page, along with more updates around the site. And of course, I'll highlight all of that in this blog. As of now though, the Archives page has been redone again. I sorted the comics chronologically in descending order, so you don't have to start at the beginning of the series. Also, the Artwork Directory page has been updated. Still working on adding more art, though! Give me time. That's all for now, but stay tuned next week for some exciting changes! -Keith MARCH 16th, 2008 Hey you all! I have a major update and a minor update to talk about. The major update is the the Archives section has been, well, updated. Instead of all the links directing to the comics (or the GIFS), I've added the actual archived page with the comic. My friend Mac suggested it a while back; not only does it make navigation for the website easier, but you're able to click the "Previous Comic" and "Next Comic" tags instead of having to click the back button on your browser. And since Comic Genesis automatically creates the archived pages anyway, why not? Another reason why it's so amazing! The minor update is ... well, nevermind. Unless you have a really keen eye, you won't notice it. As always, feel free to contact me with any issues or ideas about the site and the comic! Oh, and one last note---the "Contact" tab and Artwork Directory will be updated soon (around April). Take care and keep reading! -Keith EDIT: More news I forgot to add! The contact e-mail has been
updated. It's I've
removed my private e-mail address, so please forward all ideas, issues and
concerns to the new one. FEBRUARY 19th, 2008 Hey everyone! No major updates to report as of late. I did want to take the opportunity and encourage you to read the weekly blog. It's been updated with clickable links that relate to the weekly recaps. Some of the websites are pretty interesting (and relate to Henry), so you should check them out. I never realized the blog's potential until recently, but it definitely comes in handy. As always, keep reading and living life to the fullest! -Keith FEBRUARY 2nd, 2008 Hey guys! After some consideration, I've decided to go with the new look and switch the comic to black and white with one solid color. I'll leave the previous strips in full color, but starting next week, all the new strips will look like the ones from this past week. I like it better this way, to be honest. Sorry if this change is abrupt, but I think it was a good decision. Oh, and Happy GroundHog's Day! Phil saw his shadow, so you know what that means ... but I love winter anyway. Bye! -Keith JANUARY 29th, 2008 Hey y'all! If you've been noticing the strips for this week, they're different! If you scroll down to December, I mentioned that the comics were going to look a teeny bit different, but not drastic. Well, this is the change. I'm doing an experiment to decide whether or not I like full color or minimal color. So, for this week, all the strips will be greytone with a solid flat color. After the end of the week, I'll decide which route to take. Oh, and the site was down (as usual). Anytime the website is down, all the comics will be backed up on the blog ( But since you're reading this, it must be working now. Anyway, keep reading and living life to the fullest! -Keith JANUARY 17th, 2008 Hey everyone! Just a few things: 1) My friend John Keogh just linked my webcomic on his own
webcomic's site. (John, thank you so much!!!) You can visit his here or click on the
permanent link below in the "Special Thanks" section. Anyway, keep reading and dreaming! -Keith JANUARY 5th, 2008 HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! I hope you had a great holiday and got plenty of rest and blessings. Major news---Henry NOW has a blog! You can view it here. It will serve as a repository for all the Saturday "Recaps and Reviews" strips only (because running a daily blog is too much extra work!) along with just more detailed descriptions about Henry's reviews and also hints about the upcoming week's comics. Right now, an entry has been posted for 1/5 but I'm not sure how to post entries before that date, as I just started the blog today. Hopefully I can post earlier entries, but if not, that will be the first entry (and it fits because it's a new year). Also, the blog will serve as a backup in case this site goes down at random intervals. I've posted a permanent link in the blue section near the bottom of the home page. Anyway, that's all for now. I think I might be more inventive with the "Contact" tab and create a webpage, but it'll be later. Take care! -Keith DECEMBER 24th, 2007 I mentioned BACKSEAT SANDBAR last week, but I wanted to give a HUGE thanks again to Cory for posting a link on his website! You can view it here. And again, if you haven't read his blog it definitely is a must, especially if you like music, art or live in Louisville! Merry Christmas and have a great new year! DECEMBER 20th, 2007 I'm a little behind. I didn't have enough time last week to make enough comics in advance. They'll be up-to-date by the weekend. I apologize, but hopefully this won't be as frequent once the holidays are over. Oh, and the comics might have a different look, starting next week. Not a BIG change, but just something more distinctive. And ... the "Archives" page is not working for some reason. I'll try to fix it ASAP! On a sidenote (and especially if you live in Louisville), check out my friend Cory's website! It's called BACKSEAT SANDBAR. It's a really hip blog that covers music, concerts and events happening in the Derby City. It's a really great entertainment guide and, according to Cory, will be featured in Filter magazine soon! Hasta luego! -Keith
Hey y'all, I have some news to report. Since you can't view the previous comics, you're probably wondering where the new ones are. Well, I'm still working on those, too. I'm mostly behind because I've had to come up with new ideas and write and I haven't had much time. I know that's not a great excuse, but everything should be updated this weekend; in other words, new comics by Sunday. After that, everything should be regularly updated. Some parts of the website will be nipped and tucked. Again, I'm done with the entire layout, but the image next to this blog will be updated soon, along with the "Archives" page. This is the exciting part; this comic will be updated Monday - Saturday with Saturday being a "Henry's Trends" section---basically a dish of things Henry likes, from music to pop culture tidbits to other random stuff. I'm not sure about the name though, so "Henry's Trends" is just a spaceholder. We're on our way, and I thank you for tagging along! -Keith DECEMBER 2nd, 2007 Hi everyone! I have some more major news, but let me just make it super-plain: I'M DONE WITH THE WEBSITE!!!!!!! For now, anyway. But everything is done. The only thing that I have to work on are the comics, which I will begin this week(end). I'm super-excited about the idea, the characters and just everything in general. I absolutely cannot wait to get started and I'm positive everyone will like the new changes. I am now completely devoted to this project, more so than ever. So, new comics soon. I promise, no more waiting. And updates will also be more consistent as well. There's even bigger plans for this comic, one of them being a "blog" for Henry. Stay tuned! And thanks for keeping up with the strip! Take care, NOVEMBER 5th, 2007 Hey guys, I've given a lot of thought to the comic during the hiatus. And there is some major news, all good! 1) The comic will focus on Henry's
perspective. Of course, this means that there will be new comics coming. I can't give an exact date, but hopefully near the end of this week. I want to prune and update everything before I start them. And I will be starting from scratch. I promise, no more hiatuses. I've given a lot of consideration to this project and although it has been frustrating to the core, I have an idea of what I want to do. We'll go from there. Hopefully this will be the last post-hiatus update! Take care! Keith SEPTEMBER 17th, 2007 Hey guys, I'm going to go on a hiatus again. For some weird reason, this entire project isn't rubbing me the right way. I will try to update later this month (if not sooner). Until then, enjoy the comics that are available. I'm sorry, but hopefully this will be the last hiatus! -Keith And HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my sister!!! |